There are numerous programs that offer electric bill assistance if you need some help with electric bill. Various government programs and non-profit organizations are nowadays offering their help paying electric bill to the people who are in dire need of it. Apart from them, there are also some utility companies available in different parts of the world that can help you with paying your electric bill.
However, if you are not getting help from any of the aforementioned options, then you can opt for the social service agencies too. Nevertheless, these organizations usually offer their help by paying only a certain amount of your electricity bill. Therefore, it would be better for you to opt for them only when you have some extra money in your pockets.
If you are struggling to collect some money to keep up with your electricity bill, then, the first thing that you should do is to contact the utility services near your locality. Upon contact, you can ask them if they are currently offering any programs that can help you with your cause.
Most of the time, these organizations generally have the funding to offer their assistance with electric bill. However, in your case, if they are unable to help you, then you can opt for the organizations and programs that offer emergency help with electric bill. Here are some of them.
Government Assistance Programs That Help with Electric Bill
As mentioned before, there are numerous government organizations that can help you and your family by paying your electricity bill to Stop Electric Bill Shut Off. The following are some of them.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The LIHEAP is a popular government assistance program that offers help paying electric bill. This program usually gets all the funding for providing support to the people, who need it, from DHHS (Federal Department of Health and Human Services). Once you have applied for their help and it has been granted, you will get the cheque in the first week of January.
However, to get their assistance with electric bill for your cause, you would have to provide them with proof that you have a job or are looking for one to improve your condition. Otherwise, they might not offer any help to you.
Apart from electricity bills, they also offer their assistance to the people who require help with the heating bills.
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
The Weatherization Assistance Program, also known as the WAP, mainly provides grants to pay for home repairs to low-income families. However, apart from this, they also offer emergency help with electric bill. Therefore, if you do not get any help from the LIHEAP, then you can opt for this exclusive government program too.
The Heating System Repair and Replacement Program (HEARTWAP)
Like the previously mentioned government assistance programs, HEARTWAP, too, offers its help to low-income residents who are unable to pay their electricity bills. Apart from this, they also provide funding to those who are struggling to compete with their heating bill.
However, HEARTWAP generally offers its help on the basis of your gross family income. Therefore, if your yearly earnings exceed more than 60% of the ESMI (Estimated State Median Income), then you will not get any help from them.
To apply to HEARTWAP to get some help paying electric bill, you would have to contact the FAA (Fuel Assistance Agency) of your city.
The Home Energy Assistance Program
The Home Energy Assistance Program or HEAP is yet another government program that can assist with electric bill. However, they usually offer their help to disabled people and senior citizens before anyone else. Therefore, if you are thinking about opting for them, then make sure to keep this in your mind.
So, these are some of the government programs that can offer help with the electric bill. However, before opting for these places that help with electric bills, you should, first, check out their rules and regulations. This will help you to stay clear of any confusion.
Non-Profit Organizations That Offer Emergency Help With Electric Bill
Apart from government programs, there are also numerous Non-Profit agencies, which also help with paying the electricity bill. Here are some of the organizations that you can opt for if you are in an I need help paying my electric bill situation.
The Salvation Army
Be it helping with your bills or finding a home for you, the Salvation Army is always there to help you. So, if you are in dire condition and need some urgent help with it, then make sure to apply for them.
However, some government programs, also ask for evidence of your current income structure. Therefore, if you are currently not doing any job or searching for one, then you might face difficulties while getting their help.
Free Legal Assistance
Like the Salvation Army, the Free Legal Assistance agencies, too, host numerous programs to help pay electric bills throughout the year. Apart from providing help paying electric bill, these organizations also offer some pieces of advice on how to save energy.
Prevention Program to Help Pay Electric Bills
This is a non-charitable program that can also help you with paying your electricity bills. However, like some other government programs, this one, too, prioritizes senior citizens and disabled people. Once they are done serving these people, then they start offering their electric bill assistance to low-income families and others.
Hence, these are some of the non-charitable organizations and agencies that can help you with paying your electricity bills.
Utility Company Programs to Help Pay Electric Bills
Besides the government and charities, there are also numerous utility companies, which host numerous programs to help you to pay your electricity or light bills. Here are some of them.
Energy Assistance Programs
Apart from the government, the utility companies, too, offer their help in paying the electricity bills through the Energy Assistance Programs. However, these programs are generally hosted twice a year. So, make sure to be on the lookout for them.
Balanced Payment Programs
This one is yet another popular program that is offered by utility companies. Apart from helping you with paying the bills, these programs can also help you to manage your bills. This helps the families, especially the low-income ones, to handle their yearly accordingly to pay their utility and electric bills correctly.
So, these are some of the utility company programs that can help with electric bill.
Due to numerous reasons, the cost of almost anything, especially electricity, has always been on a rise. Therefore, if you ever fall in a position where you cannot pay your electricity bills, then make sure to opt for any of the aforementioned options. They can surely help you out with everything.
If you want any kind of help regardings the electric bill you can contact any organizations and ask them for any programs.
Contact your local Community Action Agency for help with your electricity bill. Utility companies allow their customers to donate to charities when they pay their utility bills. This is an efficient way for electricity customers to help needy individuals.
In this way, the highest level of assistance will be delivered to households with the greatest need. The LIHEAP program provided benefits to approximately 74,600 households last year. Each household received an average payment of $455.
The LIHEAP Cash benefit cannot be received more than once during a heating season. During the heating season, you will be eligible for LIHEAP Crisis component benefits up to the maximum limit set by the Department of Human Services.
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