For those who require assistance in seeing and hearing, the lions club glasses and Hearing Aids Program provides free eyeglasses and hearing aids. It is a huge boost. Not only would it help you understand better, but also make your everyday life easier. For people who are financially struggling, this program that the Lions Clubs has organized can be of great help. The main motto is to support those who are visually and hearing impaired and provide them with every kind of assistance in that forum.
What Is The Lions Club Free Glasses Program
Lions Club is a non-profit organization that aims to provide support and medical assistance to those who need it. In such situations, the Lions Club Eyeglass Program proves highly beneficial to lower-income families. The main things that the organization focuses on are helping the hearing and visually impaired or legally blind. Aside from that, they also support those who are suffering from medical conditions that cause such side-effects.
The organization was named ‘knights of the blind’ for their contribution and dedication to helping those suffering from these issues. Aside from the Lions Club free glasses, the organization also acts in an advisory role to the ones who are struggling with these medical issues. Not only is this organization national, but it has also spread its influence globally. To date, they have helped change millions of lives with their initiative.
The organization has many offices, where those interested can contact them for educational purposes or to avail of these programs. For those who are legally blind, the organization delivers a lot of help. One of their main goals is to help prevent complete blindness for those whose vision is deteriorating. While Lions Club glasses are one of the ways that the company helps those with bad sight, they also offer related services and programs.
What Other Programs Are Offered?
While Lions Club mainly focuses on eyesight-related issues, they also provide some other services. The main focus of this organization is to give out assistance for people’s well-being. Consequently, the organization offers solutions and medical help to other health issues as well.
Aside from that, another sphere that the organization has shown interest in is education. Indeed, it has helped with the education needs of many children in the lower-income groups. To do so, the organization has provided help in the form of scholarships.
Other than all the Lions Club eyeglasses and medical programs under its belt, this organization also helps out with the governmental initiatives. There are many community-sponsored programs and administrative projects that this organization takes part in.
One-Sight Program – What Is It?
There are many programs that the Lions Club provides, one of the most popular being the One-Sight Program. When speaking of free glasses from Lions Club, this is the program that deals with it. The organization established this program as a collaboration with other non-profit organizations that have the same goal. Eyesight issues and vision impairment is a hardcore issue, and generally highly costly. Consequently, lower-income families cannot afford such prices. Thus, this program tries to assist them.
The main objectives of the One-Sight Program are to give outreach, education, and free prescription eyeglasses to these individuals at little to no cost. All that you need to access them is by qualifying for the program. Moreover, there is no age limit to the applicants- older generations to children are eligible. Various features to it make it such a good initiative.
There are several components to the OneSight program, they are listed below.
Lions Club Glasses At The Discounted Price
One of the significant components of this Lions Club free glasses program is the different vouchers that they provide. The organization manages this by buying the prescription glasses in bull and redistributing them to the visually impaired people at a lowered or free cost.
To be precise, Lions Club does so by buying them at discounted prices due to the increased order quantity. For example, in the United States, they buy glasses at $50 per piece. Similarly, in Canada, each pair of glasses is buying at $70 price.
Vouchers For Free Glasses From Lions Club
When thinking about how to get free glasses from Lions Club, these vouchers are a significant contributor. However, the number of glasses for free distribution is not a high amount. Many non-profit organizations, including Lions Club, can provide only a limited amount of these pairs to the lower-income families.
Lions Club HARP/Hearing Aid Recycling Program
However, eyesight is not the only concern of the organization. Another major contribution of this company is its help towards the hearing impaired. Indeed, the HARP (Hearing Aid Recycling Program) initiative is influential in providing Lions Club hearing aids to those who require it. Not only do they give testing to those who are suffering from hearing loss, but they also assist those who are legally deaf.
The HARP program runs worldwide in many centers and provides aid and resources to the hearing challenged. It is essential a donation program establish to provide help to the needy. Furthermore, they educate both the affected individuals and doctors on the different treatments and methods that are beneficial to the patients. The Lions Club hearing aids come very handily to the elderly and deaf individuals who are suffering from hearing loss but cannot afford them.
Lions Eye Health Program | Counseling
Another important program that the organization looks into is providing information regarding hearing and vision issues. The Lions Eye Health Program is the program above that offers seminars and tutorials to different facilities on the causes and treatment of these sensory issues. The National Eye Institute/National Eye Health Education Program (NEI/NEHEP) is associated with the Lions Club to create this program.
They also provide counseling to those suffering from sensory loss. While providing Lions Club eyeglasses is a significant factor of this organization, its other programs focus on the different aspects of healthcare. The main goal behind the plan is to increase awareness about how to prevent complete vision loss from happening. Also, they give out referrals to those who are interested.
Mobile Care By Vision Vans
In the matter of providing eyeglasses and free hearing aids, Lions Club has made its name. An often-overlooked question that comes into the discussion is the matter of mobile vans and units that carry these products around. Thus, Vision Vans was organizing to focus on this factor. As the name suggests, the purpose of this organization is to provide transport to free eye-care products throughout North America. The ones behind this initiative are the Lions Club organization and other non-profit companies it is associated with.
What is Hometown Day
The Lions Club glasses program and those by other organizations, too, are a significant help to the uninsured and needy. Keeping this in mind, the Hometown Days came into place to support these ideals. This event is quite popular, operating yearly around December. Many of the eye-care retailers like Target Optical, Pearle Vision, LensCrafters, and Sears Opticals give out free eye check-up and glasses during this event. Herein, the low-income families and visually impaired individuals who require assistance can go to and get their vision checked.
There are also some free community clinics that also provide eye care assistance.
Some Things To Know About Lions Club Free Glasses
How can you donate your old glasses to the Lions Club?
There are many Lions Club offices at every locality where you can donate your old glasses. Aside from that, public locations like a community center, schools, optometrist offices, and libraries have such collection boxes.
Are donating your glasses to Lions Club a good idea?
While your eyeglass donations to Lions Club would help those in need locally, an international donation can be slightly expensive. However, donating to needy people in poorer countries is a better option than throwing them away. It is better to consider all the conditions before making a decision.
Who Are Eligible For Free Glasses
The Lions Club gives free glasses to those who are financially struggling to pay for eye-care or are severely visually impaired. Visiting the Lions Club offices would resolve all your queries regarding the procedure.
Free eyeglasses can be provided by the Lions Club OneSight program, You need to apply for this program.
Yes. The best way for an individual to get glasses from Lions International is to get in contact with a local Lions club or a district in your area.
Get and Fill up the form of Lions Club Application for Eyeglasses and submit it to the local Lions Club. Based on club funds available, local clubs determine how much help they can provide to individuals. Lions Clubs will be able to guide you and possibly offer assistance when purchasing hearing aids and eyeglasses.
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